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Neurodiversity-Affirming Practices
At Bridge to Communication, we believe that every child is unique. We accept all types of communication, learning, and play, and believe that each child's preferences in these areas are individual and valid. We believe that education is a power tool in helping people understand and accept the different ways in which individuals can communicate.
Our goal for therapy is always to value connection over compliance. This is why our therapy approach is always client-centred and child-led. Rather than try to mask neurodivergent traits to conform to neurotypical norms and standards, we join in on the child's ideas and curiosities, while also adding structure and reasonable boundaries.

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” – Alexander Den Heijer

Support Sensory Needs
We try to create a learning environment that supports a child's sensory needs so they do not easily become dysregulated. This may mean giving them the option of standing or sitting while learning, adjusting the lighting and sounds in the room, and providing movement breaks.

More Than One Way to Learn, Communicate, & Connect
Traditional approaches that focus on whole body listening (e.g. eye contact and "quiet body/hands") may be harmful for neurodivergent individuals. We understand that these methods may actually be counterproductive in the learning process. Total communication is modelled and we accept all means of communication.

All Play is Valid
There is no right or wrong way to play and we believe that all forms of play should be embraced. We may gently introduce new ways of play but it is never forced onto the child. Building trust and shared enjoyment with the child is valued over conformity. We meet the child where they are at to support their communication needs.